Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Help me win

I know nobody's reading...but on the off chance that you are, help me get to Vegas baby!

crazy, funny pix
More on the online Poker Cats Contest

Click on the kitteh above, then click on the cheeseburgers above the picture. That's it, that's all you have to do to vote for me. Thanks!


justacoolcat said...

You got my vote. Hilarious!

Tanya Espanya said...

i'ze be voted u.

Slave to the dogs said...

Muchos meows, Cat and Tanya!

chelene said...

I voted but I tried to cheat and vote more than once. It didn't work. Humph.

Slave to the dogs said...

Chel, I tried that too. I appreciate the effort! :)